Thursday, August 19, 2010

SHE DID IT!!! Finally, the Babette Blanket is finished! I got all the squares finished in July. When daughter #2 came home for a weekend, I proudly presented them to her. She started putting them together while she was here. She was sooooo excited too. I didn't get pictures of it but she has put some up on her blog. It's the second post down (at this writing). Go check it out.

She did a wonderful job getting it together, AND I got to see it in person when I was there visiting her last week. It looked FABULOUS. She is as proud of it as I am in having finished all those squares. And that's saying a lot after the fiasco with the Grandmother's Flower Garden 'ghan I did for daughter #1.

Well, go see, go see and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

it came out lovely..