Monday, March 29, 2010

Zucchini Pickles and Snacks

Here are my zucchini pickles that I canned last week. Didn't they turn out so pretty? I haven't opened a jar to try them yet but I did taste the "juice" that I canned them in and it was pretty tasty. These are going on my emergency shelf. When the next sale on zucchini comes around, I'll be putting up some more of these babies. I mean, who doesn't like pickles of any kind?! I got 4 pints and 1 half pint from 2 1/2 lbs of zucchini.
I just wish I wasn't so limited in what I can put up. I really REALLY need to get a pressure canner - SOON.

This is what I did this morning: SNACKS in BAGS!! Aren't I ever so clever. :)
I had some raisins, apricots, toasted pecans, banana chips and a very small box of tropical mix (these were pee-wee pieces that I won't buy again IF I do this again). I got about 8 bags out of the mixture I had with about 1/2 cup in each bag. I really just wanted to play with my new Seal A Meal. It was fun and I had the fruit, so why not! BUT all I had was the 11" roll that we bought extra so that's why they are so long and skinny. Certainly a smaller quart size bag would have been better to use and I'll eventually get some. For now, these will be just fine. These are also going on my emergency shelf, so it's safe to say that yes, I more than likely will make more of these.

If you read my blog: write in and let me know what you've been up to lately to prepare for the future.
Later ya'll.

1 comment:

Moy said...

Your pickels are so pretty...good job sis. I still plan on giving you the canner so hold on if ya can. Still checking Big Lot for a seal-a-meal but none yet...I want to make my own snack bags also.